Telepathy: This is an application dedicated to Telepathy. The purpose of this application is to teach its users the secretes of Telepathy.Telepathy in Urdu is an application dedicated to telepathy and the interconnectedness of human mind. The purpose of this book is to teach urdu users how they can learn the secrets of telepathy.telepathy by definition means communication of human minds without using the sensory perception. It is a greek term that means tele, meaning far away and patheia means perception. That means the art of perception of faraway things or beings.The Telepathy Book in Urdu allows you to learn the trade of communication and what it actually is.Do not think that you will be able to communicate telepathically after reading this book, may be you can, may be you cannot. It is a God gifted thing.
The term was made popular by an Frederick W H. And it means communication without using physical senses.
A person who can communicate with other person from faraway place is called a telepath. Unlike a psychic, who can call spirits, telepath can communcate with humanbeings living in his time period.